
Showing posts from December, 2021

WordPress Market Share: Powering over 42% of the web!

The exact number keeps on changing, but at the time you are reading this, there are over 1 billion websites on the web. That is a humongous number which makes the fact that WordPress powers over 42% of them even more impressive. Before we dive into the wonders of WordPress, let us first have a glance at what a CMS is. A content management system (CMS) is software that allows you to add, modify and delete content on a website having no technical knowledge of coding.   What is WordPress? WordPress is the best CMS in the World. It is an open-source system that empowers you to create websites without involving yourselves with programming. There are WordPress website development services that you can use if you don’t want to invest the time yourself. Over 60% (approximately) of all CMS websites trust WordPress!   Popularity of WordPress It is no secret that WordPress is used by many users globally. Popular websites like, and, all run on this pl...